Are you wondering how my deviant plan to get my girls to do housework while I am teaching is going? It is actually working (2 days into it). I came home not to the mess but to their rooms clean, the wash folded and the downstairs dusted. Whether or not they just did it 5 minutes before I walk in the door, matters not. Each morning the girls are greeted by a message on their easel with the weather, the time I will return, some tasks to be completed and of course, a lot of XO’s. My hope is to be consistent with this as I don’t want my girls to be full time slugs this summer. Only part time slugs will do.
Yoga Teacher/Student Affirmation
OM saha navatu
Saha nav bhunaktu
Saha viryam karavavahai
Tejasvi navadhitam astu
Ma vidvishavahai
OM shanti, shanti, shanti
May we be protected together
May we be nourished together
May we create strength among one another
May our study be filled with brillance and light
May there be no hostility between us
OM, peace, peace, peace
The Poses
Revolved Twist
Props: bolster, 3 blankets, 1 extra blanket for warmth and or laying on lower back to ground
Benefits: Gentle twist for the spine (quadratus lumborom) Releases stress on the back muscles and a stretch to the intercostal muscles. As muscles relax, breathing is enhanced.
Set one bolster lengthwise on your mat. Depending upon your comfort, height can be elevated with blocks under bolster. Lay one blanket on top double-fold and one double-fold at end of bolster where your right hip will go. Sit next to bolster with your right hip touching it, bend knees, left or top ankle can lay in arch of right foot or other comfortable position for feet. For added comfort, place blanket between legs. Lengthen body over bolster, laying bent legs in one directions and upper body facing down on bolster. Arms drape down sides of the bolster.
Legs up on Bolster Variation
Benefits: inversion for legs, drain from the day, slows down breathing, calming the mind for meditation, lengthens inner thighs, release tension in lower back.
Props: bolster, blankets, enough to support legs, neck roll, eye pillow
Place bolster lengthwise against the wall. May stack a few blankets to create height for the legs to lay on or another bolster. Lotus version, cross legs and rest on bolster. Bound angle version, bring the soles of the feet together and rest knees on bolster. Wedge a blanket along thighs to support legs. Hips remain on the floor and an additional blanket may be necessary for filling the lumbar curve
Props: blankets, including one for warmth, stuffed animals or eye bags for hands
Benefits: gently stretches the lumbar spine and para spinal muscles, and gives a release in the diaphragm, quiets the mind and comforting. Gives a sense of security.
2 bolster fold blanket placed lengthwise on mat on top of each other. One blanket at end of mat for ankle support. Make roll for ankle support. Rest of that blanket fills in gap where shin does not meet the floor. Make sure no blanket is on knee. This supports the knee in the pose. Top bolster folded blanket roll towards you in a wider roll to fit in chest and shoulder area. One more blanket folded so that its height is the same as the two bolster folded blankets. Come to all fours straddling the props, release to forearms and then fully recline on props. Ankles rest on small roll at end of mat, shins supported by the rest of that blanket. Rest the rest of your body at hip crease on the bolster fold blankets and lay chest on wider roll of top blanket. Head rests on additional blanket at top, turned to the side. Arms come out to the sides, releasing shoulders down the back and away from the ears. Placing an eye pillow or stuffed animal in palms as they face floor is very grounding and comfortable. Additional blankets for pillows tucked in as needed with student to create boundaries or make more comfortable.
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