5 Minutes of Peace |
Our household has grown to two cats. Oreo and Maxine have not been the best of friends since Oreo’s arrival 3 weeks ago but we feel that even these 5 minutes of peaceful coexistence is enough. Enough to actually feel that it will work out okay for all parties.
Something else that doesn’t come easy is practicing compassion for ourselves. We are hard on ourselves and less forgiving for our transgressions. I think that if we are ultimately loving toward ourselves, we can be genuinely loving toward others with a completely open heart.
What if you set your intention for the day with some of the Metta Meditations below? Try these out, and possibly journal about how your day went, what was your relationship with yourself, others? Write a meditation on a stick note and place it on your mirror for an extra reminder to be kind to yourself. Love Ya!
This won’t come easy to practice love and kindness to others and to self, but the key word is Practice. First thing in the morning, set your intention to practice Metta Karuna. Some of the following verses may help you in this endeavor.
Or meditate and reflect upon your heat, acknowledge how it feels (open/closed, receptive/defensive). Repeat this Metta verse.
And after your asana/yoga practice, sit quietly and send affirmations to your heart, someone close to you, someone you have difficulty with, all beings everywhere.
The Breath
The Poses
Supported Bridge
Make two stacks of two double or triple fold blankets on top of each other. Placed the two stacks end to end. Height and width of blankets can be adjusted for your body. Sit down straddling one of the stacks and carefully lower yourself down onto forearms, swing your legs on to other stack and lie down. Neck roll is placed at top stack, lower shoulder and head to floor. Neck is supported by neck roll and head is completely flat on floor with forehead and chin on the same plane. Arms stretched out to the sides. The stacks of blankets should be long enough for the entire body to be resting on including the feet. Option to put strap around calves if the legs are rolling outward. Stay for up to 15 minutes. Roll off blankets slowly and bring knees to chest with some movement.
Supported Forward Fold (or Seated Childs Pose)
Props: bolster, blankets
Benefits: gently stretches the back, hamstrings, ankles. Grounding. May aid in digestions, feel more connected to breath and body and lessen feelings of anxiety.
Fold over one blanket to sit on and slide a bolster or stack of blankets under the legs behind the knee joint. Placing enough blankets on your thighs so that your head is supported with room to breathe through your nose. Bring your arms to a comfortable position. Stay with breath and let your body melt into the supported. 10-15 minutes. Stretch your body anyway that feels good after the pose is complete for you.
Reclined Bound Angle
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