You can bury your head, or get out there |
Our recent Snowmaggedon has got me thinking about people’s tempers and patience. What I saw and what I heard were two different things. Scenario: Pre-storm. Lots of grumblings about what Mother Nature was going to dump on us or how it was inconvenient to plans and fear of the unknown set in (fueled by the media hype). Scenario: The day of and the day after. Neighbors helping neighbors, people out and about in the neighborhood on foot, digging out the elderly, the injured and sick. Those with plows coming to others rescues. Those with 4WD driving workers to their jobs. Communication and connection. Scenario: Post-storm 2 days. The grumbling begins again as the aches and pains of shoveling emerge, as the kids have an extra day off and a 2-hour delay on top of that. Flashback two day: Connection, communication, community = Love.
Emotions are good to have but when suppressed or hidden can have catastrophic effects on our body and our mind. My weekly inspiration from Ms. Mindbody highlights the need to express oneself and feel. Enjoy. To receive her weekly newsletter, subscribe to
The Breath
Lions Breath (Simhasana)
The Poses
Reclined Bound Angle (Supta Baddhakonasana)
Straddle Forward Fold (Childs Pose Variation)
Props: bolster, 2-4 blankets, may use a chair, if difficult to reach bolster.
Benefits: calming, gently stretches lower back, nice transition from the days activities. A good pose to do if you need a few minutes break from your daily work, easy to do and easily accessible. Good for headaches. Breathing is easier since muscles of the respiratory system are relaxed.
Place blanket single-fold on bolster draping down. Legs can stretch through chair or straddle or cross-legged. Arms placed folded on chair in front of you. Rest forehead on arms. Tilt chin slightly toward your chest. Close eyes. For comfort or lower back issues, sit on blanket, add rolled up blankets under knees if legs in straddle, or blocks/blankets under knees if cross legged. May add a blanket at sacrum for grounding.
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