3-Part Breath

7 12, 2017

December 7


Home for the HolidaysRemembering my Pop Pop Mullins on this day. A true Navy man, in it for life.  He served onboard one of the ships at Pearl Harbor and made it to shore safely.  One of the lucky ones. So while I am proud of him for his service to our country, I also [...]

December 72017-12-30T13:03:42-05:00
11 09, 2017

September 5


I am really out of the blogging habit after my summer hiatus.  It was a complete whirlwind of a summer beginning with four trips to some high altitude places - Chicago skyline, British Columbia, Colorado and Switzerland.  After almost two months of travel, I was ready to come home and find my roots.  My vegetable [...]

September 52017-12-30T13:03:42-05:00
8 09, 2016

Restore Sept. 6


Books, pencils, folders, oh my!  Yes, we hit Staples this year and contrary to the ad on TV, I did not dance through the aisles.  The summer flew by, the days and nights melded into each other, - as one long sigh.  The earth letting the weight of its layers lie even heavier.  Awakening to [...]

Restore Sept. 62016-09-08T12:04:00-04:00
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