Supported Pigeon Variation

1 02, 2018



How many of us want to not live in our bodies and escape the pain, sensations and reminders that we are a living, changing, adapting being?   How many of us push feelings, emotions down into physical parts of us?  There is no way to hide from the body and mind connection.  We may run [...]

14 04, 2017

April 11 Restore


You will know the force when you are calm, at peace...The force is my ally and powerful ally it isLife creates it, makes it growIt's energy surrounds us and binds us...Luminous beings are we, not this crude matterEmpire Strikes BackAnd onto the Darth Vader Breath... The BreathUjjayi Breath - Victorious Breath to "Ham Sa"A breath [...]

April 11 Restore2017-12-30T13:03:58-05:00
26 02, 2016

February 23 Restore


Restorative Resources OnlineOn a weekly basis I receive these informative emails on various yoga topics.  Here is one worth sharing on Restorative Yoga.  I've added the link below if you want to receivefuture newsletters (select About Health newsletter).  You may also be able topull up this newsletter at the link below to read more.  http:talk.about.comRestorative Yoga [...]

February 23 Restore2016-02-26T09:27:00-05:00
8 11, 2013

November 5 Restore Series


It is the end of the week now.  I am about to jump into my jammies and watch a movie cuddled up in a blanket.  My fingers are cold as well as my toes so the extra warmth will be appreciated.  This leads me to my new exercise program of walking.  It is not really [...]

November 5 Restore Series2013-11-08T20:31:00-05:00
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