
30 11, 2018

November 26 Restore


Happy Post-Thanksgiving to All, We've been blessed with this practice of restoratives offered up through many teachers and many traditions.  I am grateful for their teachings which they've shared over the years. Here is a smattering of those who've influenced me and my teachings. My students, my clients, Jillian Pransky, Judith Lassater, Sara Duke, Carmen [...]

November 26 Restore2018-11-30T13:39:15-05:00
21 09, 2018

September 18 Restore


Last week, I shared with each of you an abundance of yoga philosophy in the shape of the Yamas and Niyamas.  I realized that implementing and practicing these virtues can be overwhelming.  Maybe it is best to target one that you want to work on in your life for awhile.  Practicing with one concept at [...]

September 18 Restore2018-09-21T14:02:16-04:00
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