Do you feel lighter this week? I certainly do, without the layers upon layers over us and around us (think clothes and snow). The longer days are certainly an added bonus. Now to get to all of those winter projects I thought I would have time for.
Our practice this week was a perfect complement to the changing season. Try these out at home to ease into Spring. Another way to transition is to journal. Perhaps jotting down those ideas that you had created during the winter months first and then in the next few weeks, delving a little deeper into what you focus on and what you let pass you by. Try the exercise below to aid you in your springtime renewal.
Then rate each question on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being completely true and 1 being completely false.
2.) Do you know that you are really capable of living your life closer to achieving more of what you want than what you don’t want?
3.) What do you think would have to change to make those two above statements more true than not?
6.) By doing the above, my life will be enhanced or changed positively how?
7.) When we change something even for the positive we sometimes have to let go of something else. What will you lose as a result of making this change? What are you afraid you will lose? Sometimes the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. Is this true for you?
8.) It is important to me to make the change at this time because:(list as many reasons that come to your mind:
9.) What are three steps you need to take to get started accomplishing this important life-changing step?
2.) __________________________________
3.) __________________________________
11.) When are you going to start them?
12.) When will you get there, (set a finish date) creating this important life changing behavior, goal, or accomplishment?
13.) What will you need to stay focused on your journey?
14.) Who will be your support team? We all need a support team regardless of how small or big.
15.) What might get in your way, prevent you or make this accomplishment more difficult than it needs to be?
The Poses
Supported Bridge Pose
Props: bolster or 2- 3 blankets stacked, neck roll
Benefits: gentle backbend, supports immune system, lengthens spine, chest opener to aid in breathing and abdominal support for digestive health, supports good posture
Set up the bolster or stacked blankets horizontally on your mat. Sit on the set-up and begin to carefully recline down onto the floor. Shoulders resting on the floor and arms by your side with palms up. Knees bend and can rest together with feet as wide as the mat if your low back gets uncomfortable.
Elevated Twist (on bolster or blankets)
Props: bolster, 1-2 blankets
Benefits: Gentle twist for the spine (quadratus lumborom) Releases stress on the back muscles and a stretch to the intercostal muscles. As muscles relax, breathing is enhanced. Aids in digestion. Good stretch for upper chest.
Make a double fold blanket (bolster), place on your mat so that when reclined your lumbar spine rests on blanket or bolster. Bring knees to chest and as you release both knees to the right, extend arms out to the side, palms facing up. Extra blankets may be placed between knees, along spine to support and ground the pose, on top hip to access the release into the pose. Stay for up to 5 minutes on each side. Transition to other side while bringing knees into chest.
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